Monday, January 25, 2010

First observations in Paris*

-The French love Jay-Z
-I overpacked (However, I realized this not while I was carrying 80 pounds of luggage up three flights of stairs, but instead while unpacking around 10 skirts)
-I only packed black shoes
-There are little heaters over the outdoor cafe terraces so people can sit and enjoy their coffee for hours outside without freezing! (You can guess where I'm going next)
-I've already seen an Ikea, KFC, McDonald's, and an Office Depot. Thanks a lot, globalization.
-It's a beautiful city! Even when it's rainy and gross and it's 8 am and still not light out yet.
-I miss everyone already--But in an I-wish-you-were-here type way instead of an I-wish-I-was-there. I think that's healthy, right?

*This information was gathered having only been driving from the airport to my apartment & only being in the country for a few hours. I'm aware that there is a lot more that Paris has to offer besides sidewalk heaters and furniture catalogs.


  1. So far these have made me laugh a lot. If you get home sick, check for updates of the mayhem you'll be missing. Look for "shred barn." I'll understand if you happen to delete this comment due to the obvious soliciting, and general not wanting of sappy comment highjacking over protective brotherly type exposure. And are now a blogger, a roach blogger.

  2. RadDaderson!!! I just figured out how to check my comments. It doesn't tell me when people post on here I guess, so I hope it tells you I replied. And no I will not delete your comments ..I miss you guys and want to skype soon
